Deduplication is enabled by default in the system, with the match rules outlined below. The deduplication screens and the match rules can be customized by your System Administrator. Checking for duplicates then automatically becomes part of the process for adding a new company or person into the system.
To check for duplicate entries before adding a new company:
The new company is added into the system and the Company Summary page of the new company is displayed.
To check for duplicate people who are unrelated to a company or people linked to companies, follow the same steps as described above, but select the New | Person option from the pop out list.
The default match rule on a person is where the Last Name "contains" the entry you typed—that is, if you type the person name as "Smith", both "Smith" and "Blacksmith" are detected as possible duplicates.
Note: The system also checks for duplicates if you change any of the fields that have match rules set on them when you edit a record. For example, you change the company name of an existing company "Design Right Inc." to "Design". The system checks for other companies, which contain the word "Design", and warns of possible duplicates, before updating the company record.
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