Adding Attachments to Tasks
To add an attachment to a task:
- Find an existing task and open it, or create a new task.
- From the right-hand-side of the Task Details page, select the Add Attachment action button. If you are creating a new task and have not yet saved it, you are prompted to do so.
- From the Attachments tab, select Add File. You can also drag and drop the attachment(s) to the Drop files here... area (non-IE only).
- In IE, use the Browse button to navigate to the file.
- For other browsers, select the file(s) you want to add from their current location. A list of the file(s) you have attempted to upload is displayed. The green check mark and red cross icons indicate whether the files uploaded or not. To upload successfully, the files must comply with the system file size, type, and number of files settings. These are defined by your System Administrator.
- Select Save to complete the attachment of the file(s) to the task. You can use Add File to attach more files to the task.
To view a file you have already attached, click on the paperclip icon next to the attachment, or drill into the attachment and select the View Attachment icon. All files attached to the task in the context of an entity (Company, Person, Opportunity etc) are also saved as entries in the Documents tab of that entity.
Go to Appointments and Tasks home page...
See Also:
Creating a Task
Tracking Documents in the Documents Tab
Drop Files Here... Area