You are here: Appointments and Tasks > Recurring Appointments > Creating a Recurring Appointment

Creating a Recurring Appointment

  1. Select the New Appointment button from within the Person, Company, Lead, Opportunity, or Solution context, or from within My CRM. The Appointment page is displayed.
  2. Select the Recurrence button. The Communication Recurrence page is displayed in a new window.
  1. Set the Recurrence Pattern to Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
  2. Select the Daily Pattern for each date in the series. This can be set to either Occurs Once At or Occurs Every. When the Occurs Once At option is selected, just one communication is created for each date set up in the recurrence pattern. When Occurs Every option is selected, several communications are created. The Starting At and Ending At times enable you to specify a range in which the communications will occur.

Note: The recurring appointment Daily Pattern option, Occurs Every, is disabled if Exchange Integration is being used.

  1. Select the Start Date and End Date for the recurring pattern of appointments.
  2. Select the Continue button.
  3. Select the Save button. Appointments are created for the time, frequency, and duration selected in the Communication Recurrence page.

Note: The default maximum number of occurrences is 200. This is set by the System Administrator. If you exceed the maximum number of occurrences, an error message is displayed before you are allowed to save the recurring appointment.

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See Also:

Changing a Recurring Appointment

Deleting a Recurring Appointment

Navigating your Calendar

Exchange Integration