You are here: Appointments and Tasks > Deleting a Communication

Deleting a Communication

A Delete action button is available on the Task or Appointment Details page if your System Administrator has given you the rights to delete communications.

Before deleting, consider whether changing the communication status to Complete or Cancelled may be a better solution. All communications, even completed ones from the past, form an important part of the customer history.

To delete a communication:

  1. Find and open the communication you want to delete.
  2. From the Details page, click on the Delete button. If the communication has one or more attachments, for example an e-mail or a letter, then the attachments will also be deleted, and they will no longer be available in the Documents tab of the associated entity (Person, Company, Opportunity, etc.) Note: This does not apply to mass mail communications deleted in the context of a recipient.
  3. Select the Confirm Delete button to go ahead and delete, or Cancel if you do not want to delete.

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See Also:

Changing the Status of a Communication

Communication Fields