You are here: Appointments and Tasks > Scheduling a Task for a Colleague

Scheduling a Task for a Colleague

  1. Select My CRM | Calendar tab.
  2. Select the New Task button. The Enter New Task page is displayed.
  3. Use the Search Select buttons to add the person you want to the Company and Person fields on the Regarding panel.
  1. Add in the task details, selecting your colleague from the User field.
  2. Select the Save button.

The new task is displayed in the list of the Communications tab of the company and person selected. It is also displayed in the Calendar tab of the user it has been scheduled for.

The Created By field indicates who scheduled the task.

Go to Appointments and Tasks home page...

See Also:

Finding a Communication

Creating a Task

Reassign an Existing Task to a Colleague

Navigating your Calendar

Meeting Planner