You are here: Campaign Management > Editing E-marketing E-mail Templates

Editing E-marketing E-mail Templates

You can edit existing, and add new templates from either of the following areas:

Both routes take you to the Swiftpage Template Manager. From here you can:

Template Editor Merge Field CRM
Personal Message Personal message entered in Wave Activity.
E-mail Address E-marketing user's e-mail address.
First Name Person (recipient) first name.
Last Name Person (recipient) last name.
Phone Person (recipient) full phone number.
Business Suffix Person (recipient) suffix. For example, PhD, MD.
Company Company name of the recipient.

You can also use any CRM field name, which has been included in the Group Contents, of the group that the e-marketing e-mail is going out to. The field name must be enclosed in double square brackets, for example, [[pers_title]].

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See Also:

Creating an E-marketing E-mail

Creating a Drip Marketing E-mail

User Requirement: Info Manager Administration Rights and E-marketing enabled.