You are here: Campaign Management > Working with the E-marketing User Profile Tab

Working with the E-marketing User Profile Tab

The E-marketing User Profile Tab is accessed from My CRM | E-marketing User Profile. You can view the user information associated with your E-marketing account from this area. You can also edit some of the details, for example, the e-mail address associated with your E-marketing user profile (your "Send From" address).

To edit your E-marketing User Profile:

  1. Select My CRM | E-marketing User Profile, and click on the Change button.
  2. Update the details, for example, your e-mail address.
  3. Click Save. If you change the e-mail address, the verification e-mail is automatically resent.
  4. Go to your e-mail inbox and click on the verification link to complete the change. You can click the Resend Verification E-mail button if you delete the first e-mail by mistake before completing the verification process.

Note: The Drip Marketing User check box on the E-marketing User Profile Tab is not currently available.

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See Also:

My CRM Tabs

Creating an E-marketing E-mail

Creating a Drip Marketing E-mail