Setting up a New Classic Dashboard
You can create a new dashboard with all the content you need for your day-to-day work.
To create a new dashboard:
- Select My CRM | Dashboard.
- If the System Administrator has not set up a standard dashboard, then the Dashboard Details page is displayed.
- If a standard dashboard has been set up, then the Dashboard page displays the content from the default dashboard. If this is the case, click on the New Dashboard button to create a new dashboard.
- If multiple dashboards already exist, but no default has been set, then the system displays the first dashboard in the drop-down list. If this is the case, click on the New Dashboard button to create a new dashboard.
- If you are viewing an Interactive Dashboard, select the Classic Dashboard link, then add the new dashboard.
- Enter a name for the new dashboard. If a dashboard with the same name already exists, a warning prompt is displayed, however you can still add a new dashboard with the same name as an existing dashboard.
- Select the Set As Defaultcheck box to make this the default dashboard. The Set As Mobile Dashboard check box makes the dashboard available on mobile devices.
- Click on the Continue button. The Dashboard Content page is displayed.
The Dashboard Content page is divided into the Available Content panel and the Selected Content panel.- Use the Add button next to the item in the Available Content list to add it to the Selected Content panel.
- Use the Filter By drop-down list to narrow down the list of all content to view content by area, for example, all content related to Opportunities.
- Use the Blocks radio buttons to filter the list of all content to view content by narrow or wide widths. The System Administrator is responsible for defining the width of the content.
- Select and add the content to the Selected Content panel.
- To remove a selected content item, highlight the item in the Narrow or Wide content list, and click on the Remove button to the right-hand side of the Narrow or Wide content list.
- You can also remove a selected content item by clicking on the Remove button next to the item in the Available Content panel.
- To change the order of a selected content item, highlight the item, and click on the up and down arrows to the right-hand side of the Narrow or Wide content list.
- Narrow columns are displayed by default on the left-hand side of the Dashboard page. You can switch this by selecting the Right radio button at the top of the Select Content panel. If only wide content is selected, it is displayed spanning the whole width of the Dashboard page.
- The double arrows moves a content item to the top or bottom of the list of Selected Content.
- Use the Clear button to clear all the selected content in the Narrow or Wide content list.
- Click on the Save button. The new dashboard is displayed.
- The Dashboard toolbar is displayed in the top left-hand side of the Dashboard page, showing the dashboard you created in the drop-down list.
- You can use the Dashboard toolbar to set up another dashboard, modify the existing dashboard, and switch between existing dashboards. You can use the Print button to print your dashboard.
- Note: You can set the Dashboard page to be the first page you see when you logon to CRM by selecting Dashboard from the Log Me Into field on the My CRM | Preferences tab.
Go to Classic Dashboard home page...
See Also:
Changing Content Directly from the Classic Dashboard Page
Editing Classic Dashboard Details
Modifying Classic Dashboard Content
Adding Saved Searches to a Classic Dashboard
Adding Favorite Reports to a Classic Dashboard
Adding Report Charts to a Classic Dashboard