Reviewing Exchange Integration Logs
To review your own log files:
- Select My CRM | Exchange Integration Logs. Your System Administrator must give you rights to view this tab.
- Choose the type of log to view from the Select log files drop-down field. The list varies depending on the Sync Options set by the System Administrator.
- Click on the hyperlink of the log to open it.
Reviewing Skipped Items
You can review additional information about appointments or tasks, which could not be synchronized in the Skipped Items logs.
The following scenarios will cause items to be skipped rather than synchronized:
Mailbox Appointments
- Recurring appointments where the recurrence range results in the number of occurrences of the mailbox series exceeding the Maximum Number of Occurrences allowed in CRM. This is set by the System Administrator in the System Behavior settings.
- Recurring appointments with no End Date.
- Yearly recurring appointments with a relative day of the week specified (a day, weekday or weekend-day) in the recurrence pattern.
- Monthly recurring appointments with a recurrence pattern such as “the fourth day/weekday/weekend day of every [x] months”.
CRM Appointments
- Appointments (single or recurring) where the organizer is a CRM Sync User but is not present in the CRM User list for the appointment (is not attending the meeting).
- Recurring appointments where the Daily Pattern is set to Occurs Every.
Mailbox Tasks
- Recurring tasks.
- Tasks where the “owner” of the task is not the owner of the mailbox in question.
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See Also:
My CRM Tabs