You are here: Groups > Creating a Group from the Groups Tab

Creating a Group from the Groups Tab

To create a new group from the Groups tab:

  1. Select the My CRM button.
  2. Click on the Groups tab.
  3. Click on the New Group button. The New Group Stage 1 of 4 page is displayed.
  1. Type a name and description for the group in the Name and Description fields.
  2. Select which type of group you wish to create from the Type drop-down list. You can create a static or dynamic group.
  3. Select the main entity that the group is to be based on from the Entity drop-down list. All records within a group must be based on the same primary entity. When you select an entity the screen is refreshed to display the Source View drop-down list. Only views that return one row per ID field will be displayed.
  4. Select the Source View for the group and click on the Continue button. The New Group, Stage 2 of 4 page is displayed.
  1. Select the columns that you wish to include in the group contents, search criteria, and sort order.
  2. Select the Advanced Find check box if you wish to create an advanced find query to generate the group. Please refer to Using Advanced Find for more information.
  3. You can also add Key Attribute Data to the selection fields of your group definition.
  4. Select the Continue button when you are ready to proceed. If you have added search criteria, the New Group, Stage 3 of 4 page is displayed.
  1. Specify the Search Criteria you require.
  2. Click on the Continue button. The New Group, Stage 4 of 4 page is displayed.
  1. If you are creating a static group, you can toggle the Include All and Exclude All buttons on or off. The default is to Include All.
  2. Once you are satisfied with the group, select the Save button.

Note: If you are creating a static group, you have the option to click on the Save Empty Static Group button. This action saves the query that generated the group, but it will not save the list of records returned by the group. This can be used, for example, to build a group of individually selected records. Please refer to Adding a Primary Entity Record to a Group for more information.

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See Also:

Creating a Group

Creating a Group from the Wave Activities Tab

Creating a Group Based on a Primary Entity Search

Group Action Buttons