You are here: Getting Started > Basic Screen Elements > Recent List

Recent List

The Recent List can be viewed on the top left-hand corner of your screen. It allows you to quickly select and return to the company, person, opportunity, quote, order, lead, case, solution, campaign or group you were most recently dealing with.

The Recent List can be activated by clicking on or hovering over the Recent button. You can define how you want to activate the list from the Preferences tab in My CRM.

The Recent List is set to a default maximum size of 40, but it can be resized. Please refer to your System Administrator for more details.

As well as returning to a specific record, selecting one of the recent list heading icons returns you to the corresponding find page. For example, selecting the Person heading icon, displays the person Find page. Selecting Clear, clears the list. Selecting the Groups heading takes you to the My CRM | Groups tab.