You are here: Interactive Dashboard > Creating a New Dashboard

Creating a New Dashboard

To create a new dashboard:

  1. Select My CRM | Dashboard | New Dashboard | Create Dashboard. The Dashboard Details dialog box is displayed.
  2. Set the Type to Flexible or Fixed layout. Note: Once selected, and the dashboard is on your workspace, you cannot change the layout type.
  3. Enter the Name, Description and Category for the dashboard. The dashboard name is a required field. The category can be selected from the drop-down list, or a new one created by typing in the Category field.
  4. Click OK. The Gadget Template dialog box is displayed.
  5. Select the check boxes next to the gadget templates you want to display on your dashboard. If you don't want to display any of the gadget templates, close the dialog box. The next step is skipped. You can go back and add gadget templates later by clicking New Gadget | Choose Template or by adding new gadgets from New Gadget | Create Gadget.
  6. Click OK. The new dashboard is displayed on your workspace with the gadgets you selected.

Go to Interactive Dashboard home page...

See Also:

Creating a Dashboard from a Template

Copying a Dashboard

Modifying Dashboard Details

Deleting a Dashboard

Adding a New Gadget to a Dashboard

Adding a Gadget Template to a Dashboard