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Web Site Gadget

To add a new web site gadget:

  1. Click Web Site from the Gadget Wizard.
  2. Type or paste the Web Address (in the format http[s]://, or select a Content Block, which has been predefined by the System Administrator. Note: Not all web sites are compatible with this gadget, for example, web sites which do not allow themselves to be embedded in other pages. An error message is displayed once the gadget is on the dashboard.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Add a Name and Description for the gadget.
  5. Click Finish.

Displaying a Static URL

The Web Site gadget can display a static URL. To define a static URL in the Web Site gadget, the URL must begin with the text #crm_server#. The actual HTML files must be placed in a folder off the WWWRoot folder. A System Administrator with access to this folder can help you do this.

Example 1:


Relates to a file called abcd.html in a folder created off the WWWRoot folder called StaticContent.

This format can also be used to link to third-party gadgets. Please refer to the Developer Help for more details.

Example 2:


Relates to a folder created off the WWWRoot folder called StaticContent, which contains an optional placeholder that picks up the language of the user (it would appear on the file system as WWWRoot\StaticContent\uk\ecosystem\CommunityLinks.htm).

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