Modifying a Dashboard Template
To modify a dashboard template:
- Select Template | Dashboard Templates.
- Make sure the Template radio button is selected.
- Highlight the dashboard you want to modify.
- Click Modify Details to change the Name, Description, or Category of the dashboard.
- Click Modify Gadgets to change the gadgets on the dashboard. The template dashboard is displayed with a message that changes may affect other users. Note: Any users assigned to the template will see the changes next time the assigned dashboard is accessed.
While you are working on new templates, you may find it useful to create a new category of dashboards called "Drafts" or similar. This makes it clear to other users that these dashboards are "work-in-progress".
Go to Interactive Dashboard home page...
See Also:
Adding a New Gadget to a Dashboard
Assigning Users to a Dashboard Template
Deleting a Dashboard Template
Managing User Dashboards
User Requirement: Info Manager Administration Rights |