You are here: Managing Documents > Adding Documents to the Shared Documents Tab

Adding Documents to the Shared Documents Tab

Only Administrators and Info Managers (with Document Library rights) have rights to upload documents to the Shared Documents tab.

To upload a document:

  1. From within My CRM, select the Shared Documents tab.
  1. Select the Add File button.
  1. In IE, use the Browse button to navigate to the file.
  2. For other browsers, select the file(s) you want to add from their current location. The Details panel is displayed, and the File(s) list shows the file(s) you have attempted to upload. The green check mark and red cross icons indicate whether the files uploaded or not. To upload successfully, the files must comply with the system file size, type, and number of files settings. These are defined by your System Administrator. Note: When using Safari, it is possible to add only one file at a time.
  1. Select Add File to add more files.
  2. Specify the type of document you are about to upload and other details, such as which teams can view it and whether it is associated with a particular entity.
  1. Click on the Save button. All valid (green check mark in non-IE) files are saved as Shared Document entries The document(s) become available from the Shared Documents tab to all users, who have the selected team as either their Primary or Display Team.

Go to Managing Documents home page...

See Also:

Document Drop

Drop Files Here... Area

Shared Documents

Accessing Documents in Shared Documents

Filtering Shared Documents

Editing Documents in the Shared Documents Tab

User Requirement: Info Manager with Document Library Rights