You are here: Managing Documents > Retrieving a Merged Document from the Documents Tab

Retrieving a Merged Document from the Documents Tab

If you sent out a letter to a customer using the Merge Document functionality, setting the Create Communication and Save Document letter options to Yes in the process, a copy of the merged document is automatically attached to the communication record and stored in the Documents tab.

You can view the document from:

To view the attachment from the Document record:

  1. Find the customer you sent the letter to.
  2. Click on the hyperlink link of the person so that their name appears in the context area of the screen.
  3. Select the Documents tab. A list of all document entries for the person is displayed.
  4. Click on the hyperlink of the Documents entry you wish to review. The Document Details page is displayed. The View Attachment button works the same way as in the Communication Details page. Clicking on it opens up the document in a new browser window. Alternatively, you can select the View Attachment icon in the left-hand column of the list of documents. This opens the document without having to drill into the document entry details first.

Go to Managing Documents home page...

See Also:

Add a Document to the Documents Tab

Downloading the CRM Plug-in

Carrying out a Mail Merge

Tracking Documents in the Documents Tab

Document Drop