Uploading a Local Word Document
To upload a local Word document template so you can use it to perform a mail merge:
- In the context of an entity, go to the Documents tab.
- Select the Start Mail Merge button. The Select or Create a New Template page is displayed.
- Select the Add Local Template / Image button.
- In IE, use the Browse button to navigate to the file.
- For other browsers, select the file you want to add from its current location. The Details panel is displayed, and the File(s) list shows the document you have attempted to upload. The green check mark and red cross icons indicate whether the file uploaded or not. To upload successfully, the file must comply with the system file size, type, and number of files settings. These are defined by your System Administrator.
- Fill in the details and add a brief description of the document.
- Select the context you want the template to be associated with from the Entity drop-down. Select the person record, for example, if you want to add more person merge fields to the template.
- Click on the Save button. The Word document is saved as a new template for you to use when performing a mail merge.
Go to Managing Documents home page...
See Also:
Carrying out a Mail Merge
Creating a New Template and Adding Merge Fields