Filing E-mails from Outlook to CRM (Classic Outlook Integration)
You can file e-mails from any folder in Outlook against records in CRM.
When filing e-mails from Outlook to CRM, the plugin tries to match the e-mail address on the Outlook e-mail with an e-mail address in CRM. You can also select a batch of e-mails from any folder in Outlook and file them to CRM in a single action. When you perform a mass filing, CRM will look only for a match with the first e-mail address in the batch you have selected. If no match is found for the first e-mail address, you must manually match the e-mail batch to a record in CRM. When filing batches of e-mails, it is recommended that all e-mails in the Outlook-based batch have the same e-mail address.
Note: When filing an e-mail from outlook to CRM, if the user selects a company or person, the e-mail will inherit the territory of either the company or person (in that order), depending on the users insert rights for those territories.
To file an e-mail from your Inbox:
- From your Inbox, highlight or select the e-mail you want to file in CRM.
- Click on the File E-mail button when it becomes active. The File E-mail screen is displayed.
- Use the search select advanced buttons on the screen to specify what records you want the e-mail filed against.
- Check the settings in the Filing Options panel, and change them if you need to.
- Status The current status of the e-mail, i.e. Cancelled, Complete, Pending, or In Progress.
- File By Date And Time Select whether to file the e-mail by the original date and time the e-mail was received or by the current date and time.
- Action The action type under which to file the e-mail, for example, E-mail In, E-mail Out, or Meeting.
- Click on theFile And View E-mail action button in CRM. The E-mail In page is displayed. This gives you access to E-mail action buttons in CRM to reply to the e-mail straightaway from within CRM. This automatically logs the reply as a communication record against the customer.
- The File E-mail button returns you to the e-mail list in Outlook.
- If you select File And View E-mail for multiple e-mails, the Communications tab of the person you e-mailed is displayed.
- Select the Continue button.
The list of e-mails in Outlook is displayed. The filed e-mail has a check mark next to it showing it was successfully filed in CRM.
You also can right-click on your Inbox in Outlook, select Open In New Window, and drag and drop e-mails directly onto the Document Drop icon in CRM (Internet Explorer only). This method stores the whole e-mail as an attachment to the communication record. For more information on dragging and dropping, please refer to Document Drop.
To file an e-mail while sending it from Outlook:
- Log on to CRM from within Outlook.
- In Outlook, select New | Mail Message. The new e-mail pane is displayed.
- Fill in the e-mail address fields.
- Click on the Send And File button. The File E-mail screen is displayed.
- Use the Advanced Search Select buttons on the screen to specify what records you want the e-mail filed against.
- Select the appropriate settings in the Filing Options panel.
- Click on the File E-mail action button. The e-mail is filed in the CRM database against the record you specified.
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See Also:
Filing Inbound and Outbound E-mails
Document Drop