You are here: Adding Customer Information > Reassigning a Person to a Company

Reassigning a Person to a Company

If a person who you have been tracking as an individual (that is, the person is not related to a company in any way) later moves to join a specific company, you can assign them to a company and move all the communications, opportunities, and cases linked to them across to the company.

Note: Your System Administrator needs to give you rights to do this.

To reassign a person to a company:

  1. Find the person you want to reassign.
  2. Click on the hyperlink of their name to display the Summary page.
  3. Select the Change button. The Summary page is displayed in edit mode, with a new button, Merge Person.
  4. Select the Merge Person button. This displays an additional panel, Assign Company.
  5. Search for and select the company that you want to assign the person to.
  6. Select the Save button.

Go to Adding Customer Information home page...

See Also:

Preventing Duplicate Entries

Merging Duplicate People