You are here: Campaign Management > Setting up Outbound Call Handling > Creating the Outbound Call List

Creating the Outbound Call List

To create the call list:

  1. Select the Create Call List workflow button. The Progress Wave Activity page is displayed.
  2. Select the Group that the Outbound Call list will be created for.
  3. Select the Save button. The Outbound Call Summary page is displayed. For each person in the group, a record is created in the List of Calls table. This list of customers is used by the system when the agent requests the next call. All details related to the calling of that customer will be saved in the List of Calls table (for example, comments or call attempts). To check that the call list has been created, log on as one of the users who has access to the Outbound Call list and check the My CRM | Outbound Calls tab.

User Requirement: Info Manager Administration Rights