You are here: Campaign Management > Setting up Outbound Call Handling > Reallocating Calls

Reallocating Calls

Calls on the call list are not usually allocated to individual agents (users). The exception to this is if a user has successfully reached one of the people on the list, and there are other people working at the same company still to call. In this case, these calls are preallocated to the user who made the first contact.

If one of the agents is, for example, out sick for the rest of the week, and the campaign is due to end, the Campaign Manager can reallocate these preallocated calls to another agent from the Outbound Call Summary page within the Marketing area of the system.

To reallocate any preallocated calls:

  1. Select the Reallocate Calls button from the Outbound Call Summary page. The Reallocate Calls page is displayed in a new browser window.
  2. Select the users to reallocate the calls from and to and click on the Save button. The Reallocate Calls From Users list displays all users who have preallocated calls. The Reallocate Calls To Users list displays all users whose Primary Team is the same as the Reallocate Calls From user. Preallocated calls are reallocated according to the users specified.

User Requirement: Info Manager Administration Rights