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Sending an E-mail

CRM takes advantage of having all of your customer and prospect data in the system, by providing a functionality for sending and receiving e-mails so that you:

To send an e-mail from CRM:

  1. Search for the customer you want to send an e-mail to.
  2. Click on the hyperlink of the person’s e-mail address. The E-mail input form is displayed.
  1. The E-mail input form can be opened by clicking on any hyperlinked e-mail address in the system, or by clicking on the New E-mail button from within the My CRM | Calendar tab, or from any Communications tab. The e-mail screen can be displayed in different modes:
  2. You can switch from Split to one of the other screen positions by changing the E-mail Screen Position setting from the My CRM | Preferences tab. For information on changing your Preference settings, please refer to Preferences.
  3. Select a template from the Template list or leave the default selection to start a blank e-mail. CRM templates usually contain standard content and field codes. Further formatting layouts are available from the Layouts toolbar button.
    If you have a large number of templates you can type a template name and select the Go button to search. The standard setting for the search to appear is when there are more than ten templates.
  4. The From list contains your e-mail address by default. However, if you have been given permission to send e-mails from other accounts, you can select the addresses from this list. You can also change your default e-mail address in My CRM | Preferences if you have been given permission to send e-mails from other accounts.
  5. Select the Reply To address in the same way as you selected the From address. Whether the Reply To e-mail addresses are available depends on whether you have been given permissions to send e-mails from other accounts. If you have not been given permissions, the field is not displayed.
  6. Check you have the intended recipient of the e-mail in the To field.
  7. Enter the e-mail address of the person you want to CC the e-mail to in the CC field. You can specify more than one person here if you wish.
  8. Type your message in the body section. You can format the text you entered with the formatting buttons at the top of the body field. There a number of new formatting options, including bullets and numbering, tables, text highlighting and the ability to change text color.
  9. You can also include HTML content and inline images in the body. For more information on adding HTML content and inline images to the e-mail body and formatting text, please refer to Sending Mass E-mails.
  10. You can check the spelling of your e-mails before you send them by clicking the Check Spelling button. The spell check is carried out in the language of the user set by the System Administrator in Administration | Users. Language dictionaries available include German, Spanish, French, UK English, and US English. If there is no spell checker dictionary available for the language of the user, then US English is used.
  11. To attach a shared document, use the Advanced Search Select icons to locate the file, select the file and then select the Upload Attachment button. Please refer to Advanced Search Select for details on using the Advanced Search Select buttons.
  12. To attach a local file, select the Browse button, navigate to the file, and select the Upload Attachment button.
  13. You can remove the attachment by selecting the delete button, which is displayed once the file is uploaded.
  14. Make any changes required to the fields on the Communication Options panel.
  15. Select the Send button to send the e-mail. Once the e-mail is sent, it is saved as a Communication against the Person it was sent to and in your Calendar. To view the e-mail you sent, click on the Communications icon.

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See Also:

E-mail Shortcut Keys

Handling Inbound E-mails

Replying to an E-mail

Using Microsoft Outlook to Send E-mails

Converting E-mails

Filing Inbound and Outbound E-mails