You are here: Groups > Sending E-mails to Groups

Sending E-mails to Groups

To send an e-mail to a group:

  1. Select My CRM | Groups, and select the hyperlink of the group you want to send the mass e-mail to. The Group Details page is displayed.
  2. Select the New E-mail button. The Send Mass E-mail page is displayed.
  1. Select a Group from the Dedupe Against Existing Group field if you want to make sure this e-mail does not get sent to members of another Group.
  2. If you want the mass e-mail to be based on an existing template, click the Template field. CRM templates usually contain standard content and field codes. Further formatting layouts are available from the Layouts toolbar button.
  3. Select the From address you want to use in the From field. Options available will depend on available mailboxes and your security rights.
  4. Type the subject of the e-mail in the Subject field.
  5. You can include information in different formats in the body section.
  6. Once you have added content in the e-mail body, you may want to specify additional rules for saving the communication in the database. The option to specify additional rules is not available if you are using E-mail Management to handle outbound e-mails. From the Communication Options panel, select the team and territory in which you want the communication to be saved from the Team and Territory fields, respectively. In addition, specify the status and the type of communication you want the e-mail saved as from the Status and Action fields.
  7. If you want to link the mass e-mail to a Wave Activity, select it using the Wave Activity field.
  8. If you select E-mails from the Parent Category selection field, a new category is automatically created in Key Attribute Profiling as a "child" category of eMails, when the e-mail is sent. The name of the category corresponds to the text you typed in the subject field, for example, CRM Offers. This "child" record stores a link to every recipient of the e-mail. This means that this piece of key attribute data can itself be used as a selection criteria for a follow-up action to this e-mail.
  9. Before you send the completed e-mail to the group you can carry out final proofing by:
  10. Select the Send E-mail button to send the e-mail to all people or companies included in the group. A dialog box is displayed to inform you of the number of e-mails you are about to send.
  11. Click OK. Select the Marketing | Mass E-mail Status tab to review the status of the job.
  1. At this point, you can temporarily stop the mailer if you wish and resume it later. To do this, select the Stop button from the Actions column. The current mailer details remain on the status list until it is resumed and has gone to everyone in the group. Note: If the user selects Stop, then the e-mails will remain unsent and have a status of Pending even if they were set to a status of Complete in the Send Mass E-mail Communication Options panel.
  2. Select the hyperlink in the subject column to view details of the communication.
  3. Select the Click Here To View Recipients Of The Mass E-mail hyperlink to view a list of people that the e-mail was successfully sent to.
  4. Close out of the list and then out of the communication.
  5. Select the Resume to finish sending the mailer. When all e-mails have been sent successfully, the status bar at the top of the Mass E-mail Status tab displays the following message: "There are no pending mass E-mails". If problems are encountered sending the e-mail, the problem is included on the status list, and you can troubleshoot the problem if you need to. The e-mails sent to the group are saved as communications against the person and/or company that they are sent to. It is also saved against the team and territory you specified on the Communication Options panel and according to the status you selected. You can now review any of the sent e-mails if you wish.

To review a sent e-mail:

You can convert the e-mail to an opportunity, lead, or case. If the e-mail was linked to a Wave Activity, you can select the Change button and register a response to it. Note that to register a response, you must open the E-mail Out from the Communications list in the Person or Company context.

Go to Groups home page...

See Also:

Sending Mass E-mails

Send E-mail

Key Attribute Profiling. Refer to the System Administrator Help.
Embedded E-mail Editor. Refer to the System Administrator Help.