On-screen Coaching
On-screen coaching can be used to display text in a panel at the top of any CRM screen. This panel can be used to provide information for users, for example, explaining what activities can be carried out on a particular screen, or providing useful tips for performing tasks. If on-screen coaching has been activated by your System Administrator, you can:
- Set on-screen coaching display preferences from the Preferences tab. Please refer to Accessing Preferences for more information.
- You can show or hide the on-screen coaching panel using the Maximize/Minimize button. If you hide on-screen coaching for a screen it will remain hidden when you next log on to CRM.
- You can turn on-screen coaching off with the Turn Off button. Once on-screen coaching has been turned off it will remain turned off when you next log on. You can turn it back on from the Preferences tab.
Please refer to the System Administrator Guide for more information on setting up on-screen coaching.