Copying a Dashboard
You can copy a dashboard by either selecting the Create A Copy hyperlink from a Dashboard Template, or by using the Copy button within the Dashboard Options dialog.
To copy a dashboard from Dashboard Options:
- Select Dashboard Options from the dashboard drop-down.
- Highlight the dashboard you want to copy.
- Select Copy.
- Click Modify to change the Name, Description, and Category of the copy, and Save.
- Click OK to select the copied dashboard and make changes to the gadgets on it.
To create a copy of a dashboard template:
- Make sure the dashboard you want to copy is displayed on your workspace.
- Select Create a copy. The Dashboard Details dialog box is displayed. The default naming convention for the copied dashboard is Copy of [copied dashboard name].
- Update the Name, Description and Category of the new dashboard. Note: The layout type (Fixed or Flexible) automatically copies the layout type from the source dashboard and cannot be changed.
- Select OK. The copied dashboard is displayed on your workspace. It is also available from your list of personal dashboards via the dashboard drop-down list.
An Info Manager or System Administrator can clone dashboard templates and user dashboards from Dashboard Templates.
Go to Interactive Dashboard home page...
See Also:
Selecting a Dashboard
Setting a Default Dashboard
Creating a Dashboard from a Template
Creating a New Dashboard
Modifying Dashboard Details
Deleting a Dashboard