Report charts, using FusionCharts, are available with built-in animation and interaction.
You can view the charts either by running the report from the Reports menu button, from a chart gadget on the Interactive Dashboard, or on the Classic Dashboard - just make sure that, for the report you are running, the Show Chart option is selected on the Report Options, Step 2 of 2 page. Please refer to Writing Reports for more information.
The built-in animation means you can watch, for example, the bars of a horizontal bar chart grow as the chart is drawn. And you can interact with charts when they are drawn - for example, you can highlight slices of pie charts, and rotate the pie chart to get a better view of the information you require.
To interact with a pie chart once it is drawn:
The standard drill-down feature of hyperlinked charts can also be used.
The Adobe Flash Player is not required for either running or interacting with report charts. Some enhanced display options, such as greater depth of color, are available in charts when the Adobe Flash Player is installed on the client machine. If Flash is not available, the charts are displayed using HTML 5.
If it is not desirable to use Flash on the client at a customer site, then a custom setting, ChartUseFlash, can be set to N in the Custom System Parameters table, to only ever allow the display of static images. This should only be carried out by an experienced System Administrator. More information is available on the Sage CRM Community web site.
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