You are here: Sales Opportunities > Adding Information to an Existing Opportunity > Products


During a conversation with a prospect, you find out exactly which products they are interested in and discuss prices.

To capture this information:

  1. Within the context of the Opportunity, select the Quotes tab.
  2. Click on the New button.
  1. Add the information on the New Quote page. The fields are described in the table below.




Currency of the quote. The quote currency is displayed in the preferred currency of the logged on user. The currency can only be changed if there are no line items. The currency set here is displayed on the Opportunity Summary page.

You can create multiple quotes with no line items, and set a different currency each time you create a quote. However, as you set the currency for the new quote, the currency on all the other empty quotes will be changed to the same currency.

Pricing List

Select the Pricing List that the quote is to be based on. This is a mandatory field, and the Default Pricing List will be selected automatically if the user does not select an alternative.


A Quote can have a status of Active, Inactive, or Converted. You can select from Active or Inactive. The status of Converted is automatically set once the quote is converted to an order.

Setting the status to Inactive deducts the Gross Amount of the quote from the Total Quote Value on the opportunity (if the Include In Quotes Total check box was selected).

Include In Quotes Total

Toggles the inclusion of the quote in the Total Quote Value field on the Opportunity. You can set one or more quotes to be included in the Total Quote Value on the Opportunity.

The Total Quote Value is not used for forecasting purposes.


Generated automatically when the quote is saved. The format of the Reference is determined by the System Administrator.


Read-only field set by the system when the quote is created.

Expiration Date

Defaults to seven days from the date the quote is created. You can manually change this date. The System Administrator can change the default length of validity.


Short description of the quote.

The Quote level discount fields are:



Discount Type

Select from Percentage or Amount.

Discount Percentage

Percentage discount on the whole quote. Discounts will be rounded to the system setting for decimal places. If the Discount Type has been set to Amount, this field is read-only and is calculated according to the amount entered in the Discount Amount field.

Discount Amount

Money amount discount on the whole quote. Can be typed in to two decimal places.

If the Discount Type has been set to Percentage, then this field is read-only and will be calculated according to the percentage entered in the Discount Percentage field.

Note: It is possible to add a discount on a quote or order, which has no line items. You may wish to do this if:

  1. Select the Next button. The New Line Item panel is displayed.
  1. Enter the information in the New Line Item panel. The fields are explained in the table below.



Product Family

Group that the product belongs to. For example, a company selling office products may have the product families: Office Furniture, Computers Peripherals, Stationary, and Filing.

The Product Family selected will narrow down the products to select from the Product field.

Product Families are set up by the System Administrator.


Select from a list of products set up by your System Administrator.


Unit of Measure available for the selected product. For example, a company selling office products may sell pens as singles and in packs of 24 or 36. The System Administrator can set up a UOM family for "Pen Packs", and then UOMs as Single, 24-pack, and 36-pack.

If the System Administrator has not enabled Units of Measure, then this field is not displayed.


Quantity of the product. If UOMs are being used, then this is the quantity of the UOM.

List Price

Standard price of the product. If UOMs are being used, then this is the standard price the UOM.

This is a read-only field.

Quoted Price

Defaults to the List Price for a quantity of one—of a product or of a UOM. This field can be edited to discount line items.

Line Item Discount

Read-only field. Calculated by subtracting the Quoted Price from the List Price, and multiplying by the Quantity.

  1. Select Save and New to add the next line item, or Save to add the line item and quit the New Line Item panel.

When you have finished adding the line items, you can:

Note: When editing a line item, you cannot change the Product or Product family.

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See Also

Changing Preferences

Opportunity Fields

Sending a Quotation

Closing a Sale

Manually Progressing Opportunities

Creating Quotes and Orders Outside of the Opportunity Context