Adding a New Person to an Existing Company
- Open the company you want to make changes to, and click on the People tab.
- Select the New Person button. The Person duplicate find page is displayed.
- Type the first few letters of the Person’s last name, and select the Enter Person Details button. The system searches for possible duplicate person names in the system. For more information, please refer to Preventing Duplicate Entries. If no potential duplicate person is found, the New Person page is displayed.
- Enter the details in the Person panel.
- Enter the details in the Address panel. The address displayed is the default address for the company. If the person is based at a different location you can type over the default address. Use the radio buttons on the right-hand side of the address panel to determine if the new address should only appear within the context of this person (select Person Address Only) or if it should also be available at the company level (select Person And Company Address). The Select Address From List icon allows you to choose from the list of existing company addresses to link this person to. This then provides you with a further radio button allowing you to update the company address from your current location. The Address Type can be specified as Business and/or Home by selecting the check boxes.
- Enter the details on the Phone and E-mail panels. The details default to the company phone and e-mail, but these can be overwritten with the person's direct contact details.
- Select the Save button.
Go to Adding Customer Information home page...
See Also:
Changing Person Details
Adding a Person without a Company Link
Merging Duplicate People
Maintaining Address Links