The External Attendee tab is displayed when editing an existing appointment in CRM. It shows everyone who has been invited to the meeting, who is not a CRM user. This can include people who are at the same company that the appointment is about, an external consultant, or even colleagues who are not CRM users. If the External Attendees tab contains any people, then a small person icon is displayed on the External Attendees tab.
The Regarding panel of an appointment lets you link the appointment to the main company, person, and opportunity (or quote, order, or case) that the meeting is about. This displays the appointment in the Communications list of the selected company, person, and opportunity (or quote, order, or case), thereby keeping track of valuable customer history and planned actions.
Note: "Regarding" does not equal "Invited". People invited to the meeting, who are not CRM users, should be represented in the External Attendees tab
The User field on the Scheduling panel lets you link the appointment to other CRM users. This displays the appointment in each of their calendars, ensuring accurate scheduling for everyone involved.
The External Attendees tab:
Please refer to the Appointments: Exchange to CRM section in Exchange Integration for more information about how this feature works when Exchange Integration is being used.
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See Also:
Reassign an Existing Task to a Colleague