You are here: Campaign Management > Cloning a Campaign

Cloning a Campaign

All campaigns can be cloned (normal and E-marketing).

To clone campaign:

  1. Select Marketing Campaigns or Marketing | E-marketing, and click on the hyperlink of a campaign.
  2. Select Clone Campaign.
  3. Give the campaign a new name, and select the new start date.
  4. Select Save. The start dates for the Waves and Wave Activities are automatically adjusted to the same offset as the original campaign - but based on the new campaign start date. Cloned Drip Marketing campaigns are not launched until you select the Launch Drip Marketing Campaign button from the Campaign Summary page. E-marketing E-mail activities must be edited after cloning to become active.

Go to Campaign Management home page...

See Also:

Campaign, Wave and Wave Activity Fields

Creating an E-marketing E-mail