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Campaign, Wave and Wave Activity Fields

Note: In most areas of E-marketing campaigns, the following special characters are not supported: $ % ^ & ( ) { } [ ] ~ | / ? < > , :. The following special characters can be used in the e-mail subject and personal message: $ % & ( ) ? , :.

These tables explain the standard fields on the Campaign, Wave, and Wave Activity pages. Please refer to E-marketing E-mail Fields, Drip Marketing E-mail Fields, and Outbound Call Fields for more information on fields relating specifically to these Wave Activity types.

Campaign fields:



Campaign Name

Name of the campaign.


Drip marketing campaigns only. Set the drip marketing campaign type: Anchor, Duration, or Calendar.

Anchor - wave activities are carried out relative to this date (before and after). For example a product launch.

Duration - wave activities are carried out in response to other actions. For example, 1 day after a recipient opened and clicked an initial e-mail, they receive a "tips and tricks" newsletter.

Calendar - wave activities are carried out on specific dates. For example, scheduled quarterly newsletters.

Anchor Date

Drip marketing campaigns only, where the Type is set to Anchor. Enter the date around which the wave activities should be based.

Ends On

Drip marketing campaigns only, where the Type is set to Duration. Enter the date beyond which wave activities should not be carried out (even if the other criteria are met).


Start date of the campaign.


End date of the campaign. Must be on or after the campaign start date. Not available for Drip marketing campaigns, where the Type is set to Duration.


Status of the campaign. For example, Active, Cancelled, Finished, Pending. Read-only for Drip marketing campaigns.


Drip marketing campaigns only. The group (recipients) is set at the Campaign level only (not per Wave Activity), as subsequent wave activities or “stages” are based on filtered criteria from the original group. Note: The group must include an e-mail address field and at least one recipient. For more information on creating groups please refer to Groups.

Get E-mail From

Drip marketing campaigns only. If the source view that the group is based on contains more than one e-mail field, you can select the one you want to use from the Get E-mail Address From field.

Campaign Budget

Total budget for the campaign.

Actual Cost

Actual cost of the campaign. Calculated field (read-only), based on the Actual Cost values entered against each Wave Activity.

This table explains the standard fields on the Wave page.



Wave Name

Name of the wave.


Start date of the wave. Must be on or after the campaign start date.


End date of the wave. Must be on or after the wave start date.


Status of the wave.

Wave Budget

Total budget for this wave.

Actual Cost

Actual cost of the wave. Calculated field (read-only), based on the Actual Cost values entered against each Wave Activity.

This table explains the standard fields on the Wave Activity page.




Name of the wave activity.


Status of the wave activity. For example, Pending, Active, Cancelled, Finished.


Type of wave activity. For example, Internal Telesales. The Wave Activity Type is used to determine which workflow buttons are displayed to the campaign manager—if Internal Telesales is selected, the workflow button Schedule Telesales is available.The full list of action types is described Campaign Wave Activity Action Types.


A short description of the Wave Activity.


Start date of the wave activity. Must be on or after the wave start date.


End date of the wave activity. Must be on or after the wave activity start date.


The group to be used for this wave activity. Not available for Drip marketing wave activities. Required for E-marketing E-mail wave activities. The group for E-marketing E-mail wave activities must be based on a source view which includes an e-mail address field, and must include at least one recipient. If you have not yet created a group for the E-marketing E-mail wave activity, you can do this either from My CRM | Groups, or from the New Group button in Step 3 of the New E-marketing Campaign Wizard. For other wave activity types, this can be left blank if you have not yet created the group, but it must be completed before clicking on the workflow button to initiate the action. Please refer to Creating a Group from the Groups Tab for more information.

Activity Budget

Total budget for this wave activity.

Actual Cost

Actual cost of the wave activity.

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See Also:

Setting up a New Campaign

Setting up an E-marketing Campaign

Campaign Wave Activity Action Types

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