You are here: Campaign Management > Setting up Outbound Call Handling > Outbound Call Fields

Outbound Call Fields

The Wave Activity panel fields are described in Campaign, Wave and Wave Activity Fields. The table below explains the fields on the remaining panels of the Outbound Call Wave Activity.




Gives access to the Outbound Call list to all users, whose primary team is the same as the team selected in this field. This is not a required field, and if desired, only individual users can be given access to the Outbound Call list by leaving this field blank and adding users in the Users field described below.


General greeting or introduction guideline. This can include merge fields, such as #pers_firstname#.

Contact Introduction

Greeting or introduction once you get through to the correct contact person.This can include merge fields, such as #user_firstname#.

Daily Call Target

Target level of daily calls for the Outbound Call list. This is also displayed to the user from the Call Handling page.

Category Group

Link to Key Attribute Category Group. Key Attribute Data set up by the System Administrator can be made available to the end user from the Call Handling page.


Users who have rights to access the Outbound Call list from My CRM. Any user can be given access to the call list even if they have a different primary team from the one defined in the team field above.


Priority of the communication that is automatically created when a user reaches the contact.


Subject of the communication. This can include merge fields such as #pers_firstname#.

Communication Details

Default Details of the communication.

Wave Items Communications Team

Default Team of the communication.


Default security territory of the communication.

Send on

Drip Marketing Call Lists only.

When the call list should be scheduled.

Options vary depending on the Drip Marketing Campaign Type selected (Anchor, Calendar, or Duration).

Anchor - select the number of days/weeks/months before/after the anchor date at a specified time.

Calendar - send on a specified date/time.

Duration - specify the number of days after the contact is added to the campaign, that the call list should be started.This is the number of days after the contact has become a member of the recipient list - for example, 1 day after they opened and clicked the first e-mail they were sent (if Sent To "Contacts from previous e-mail stages, matching Response Clicked A Link" was selected).

Send to

Drip Marketing Call Lists only.

Who should be called.

Select from:

  • All Contacts in Drip Marketing List
  • Contacts from previous E-mail stages, matching response (one or more can be selected): Opened, No Clicks, Clicked a Link, or Unopened. This option is disabled for the first Drip Marketing E-mail wave activity of the campaign.
  • From Stage - select a specific previous stage.


Drip Marketing Call Lists only.

Choose if you want an e-mail notification, sent from Swiftpage, a number of days before the stage is executed.

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See Also:

Setting up Outbound Call Handling

Setting up a New Campaign

Creating a Drip Marketing Call List

User Requirement: Info Manager Administration Rights