You are here: Campaign Management > Setting up a New Campaign

Setting up a New Campaign

To set up a new campaign:

  1. Select the Marketing button.
  2. Select the Campaign List tab.
  3. Select the New Campaign button.
  1. Enter the campaign details, and select the Save button. The Campaign Summary page is displayed. Note: You must be in Hide Wave Activities mode to add a new wave from the Campaign Summary page. To toggle between the Expanded and Summary modes of the Campaign Summary page, select the Show / Hide Wave Activities buttons.
  1. Set up the waves, or phases of your campaign, by selecting the New Wave button. The New Wave input form is displayed.
  1. Enter the Wave details and select the Save button.
  2. Set up the Wave Activities by selecting the New Wave Activity button. The Wave Activity page is displayed.
  1. Enter the Wave Activity details and select the Save button. You have now set up the framework of the campaign, and can begin on the first wave.

Go to Campaign Management home page...

See Also:

Campaign, Wave and Wave Activity Fields

Campaign Wave Activity Action Types

User Requirement: Info Manager Administration Rights