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Campaign Wave Activity Action Types



Outbound Call

Displays the workflow button Create Call List. This gives selected users or teams access to a list of contacts to call, using the outbound call handling features.

External Mail Merge

Displays the workflow button Create File For External Use. Clicking on the workflow button initiates the export of the selected Group for this Wave Activity to a *.CSV or text file. This can be sent to a mailing house for processing.

External Telesales

Displays the workflow button Create File for External Use. Clicking on the workflow button initiates the export of the selected Group for this Wave Activity to a *.CSV or text file. This can be sent to, for example, a telesales agency for processing.

Internal Mail Merge

Displays the workflow button Do Mass Mail Merge. Clicking on the workflow button initiates the mail merge process.

Drip Marketing Call List

Sets up an outbound call list once the criteria for the drip campaign stage are met. Drip Marketing Call Lists can only be set up within a Drip Marketing campaign. The first wave activity in a Drip Marketing campaign cannot be a Drip Marketing Call List - it must be a Drip Marketing E-mail.

Drip Marketing E-mail

Sends out an e-mail once the criteria for the drip campaign stage are met. Drip marketing E-mails can only be set up within a Drip Marketing campaign. The first wave activity of a Drip Marketing campaign must be a Drip Marketing E-mail wave activity.

E-marketing E-mail

Sends out an e-mail blast on the set date and time, or sends to the e-mail queue for immediate processing. If you are adding the E-marketing E-mail wave activity to a standard campaign, the associated campaign can only be accessed from the E-marketing tab in the future.

Internal Telesales

Displays the workflow button Schedule Telesales. Displays the New Task scheduling page, which allows the scheduling of calls among a selected number of users.


Does not have an associated workflow button. Can be used for, for example, a print advertising phase of the campaign.

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See Also:

Setting up a New Campaign

Setting up an E-marketing Campaign

Campaign, Wave and Wave Activity Fields

Tasks Involved in a Typical Campaign

User Requirement: Info Manager Administration Rights