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Converting E-mails

You can convert either an inbound or outbound e-mail communication to an opportunity, case, or lead.

For example, you receive an e-mail with a problem from a customer. If you have E-mail Management installed, inbound e-mails can automatically get filed against the matching person or company record. You can then convert the e-mail directly to a customer service case using the workflow buttons on the right-hand side of the Communication page.

Even if you do not have these additional modules installed, you can convert any existing communication, where the action type is E-mail In or E-mail Out to a case, opportunity, or lead.

To do this:

  1. Open the E-mail In/Out communication that was created when you sent or received the e-mail.
  2. Select New Case, New Opportunity, or New Lead from the Create list.
  3. Enter the details of the case, opportunity, or lead and select the Save button. The case, opportunity, or lead is saved against the person or company you sent the e-mail to.

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See Also:

Sending an E-mail

E-mail Shortcut Keys

Handling Inbound E-mails

Replying to an E-mail

Using Microsoft Outlook to Send E-mails

Filing Inbound and Outbound E-mails