You are here: E-mail > Replying to an E-mail

Replying to an E-mail

To reply to e-mail that is stored in CRM with a communication record:

  1. Find the person who you received the e-mail from.
  2. Select the Communications tab within the context of that person.
  3. Click on the Communications icon of the e-mail you sent. The E-mail In page is displayed.
  4. Select the Reply or Reply All button. The E-mail input form is displayed.
  5. Complete all of the fields and send the e-mail. Please refer to Sending an E-mail for a description of the fields.

Go to E-mail home page...

See Also:

Sending an E-mail

E-mail Shortcut Keys

Handling Inbound E-mails

Using Microsoft Outlook to Send E-mails

Converting E-mails

Filing Inbound and Outbound E-mails