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Sending Mass E-mails

Mass e-mails can be in text or HTML format, and they can contain file attachments and inline images. You must have the Send E-mail As HTML field set to Yes (in Administration | Email And Documents | Email Configuration) to upload an inline image.

Note that if you are using a free 30-day trial, your mass e-mails are not sent. However, they are saved as communications.

Opt out of E-marketing Communications Flag

There is a check box flag on the Company, Person, and Lead Summary pages, which is automatically set by Swiftpage if E-marketing is being used. E-marketing e-mails will never go out to the associated Company, Person or Lead e-mail address where this flag is set - even if the user has manually unchecked the option in CRM.

If you are using CRM's own mass e-mail feature, it is recommended that the opt-out flag is added to the group search criteria to ensure that people who have opted out of receiving e-mails via E-marketing, do not receive other marketing e-mails generated using the standard Mass E-mail feature.

Using the opt-out flag in group search criteria

Configuring CRM for Mass E-mails

Once the Embedded E-mail Editor is configured, you can use the Mass E-mail functionality. However, if you want the ability to send e-mails in HTML format, you will need to make sure the system is configured to do so. You will also need to ensure that the required From and Reply To addresses have been specified.

To ensure that HTML e-mails can be sent to groups:

  1. Select Administration | E-mail And Documents | E-mail Configuration. The E-mail/SMS settings page is displayed.
  2. Check that the Send E-mail As HTML field is set to Yes. If you don’t have a requirement to send HTML e-mails, the Internal SMTP option can be chosen.

To ensure that From and Reply To addresses have been specified:

  1. Open Administration | E-mail And Documents | E-mail Aliases and select the New button. A list of e-mail addresses that e-mails can be sent from is displayed. If the entry for the e-mail address you want to send mass e-mails from is not listed, you will need to set up an entry for it.
  2. Click on the hypelink of the mailbox you want to use to send mass e-mails from, and select the Change button. In this example, the Marketing mailbox is being used.
  3. Ensure that the E-mail Address and Display Name fields are completed and that From and Reply To addresses are enabled and specified.
  1. Select the Save button.

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See Also:

Sending E-mails to Groups

Send E-mail

User Requirement: Info Manager Administration Rights