You are here: Working with Lists > Send E-mail

Send E-mail

This example shows you how to send an e-mail blast to all contacts on a Saved Search list. In this example, the user has already created a Saved Search called Boston Contacts. For more information on Saved Searches, please refer to Creating a New Saved Search.

To send the e-mails:

  1. Right-click or hover over the Find menu button, and select Person. The person Find page is displayed.
  2. Retrieve the Saved Search list by selecting the list from the drop-down list at the top right-hand side of the Find page. A list of people matching the saved search criteria is displayed. A new set of action buttons are also displayed on the right-hand side of the page.
  3. Select the New E-mail button on the right-hand side of the screen. Note: The E-mail button available from the New menu button on the left-hand side of the page merges a single contact’s details with an e-mail. The actions on the right-hand side of the screen will send an e-mail to each contact in the current list. The Send Mass E-mail page is displayed. All the fields on this page are explained in Sending E-mails to Groups.
  1. Complete the information for the e-mail blast, and select the Send E-mail button. The e-mails are sent out, and a link to the communication record is stored against each person on the list. The e-mail can also be retrieved from the communication record on the contact.

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See Also:

Sending Mass E-mails

Sending E-mails to Groups

Start Mail Merge

New Task

Introduction to List Actions

Export To File