The interactive dashboard is a highly-customizable workspace where you control what information you need to be effective in your job. Create multiple dashboards and gadgets by choosing the feeds, workflow, and actions you want to drive from your workspace – or select predefined gadgets and dashboards from templates. Choose feeds from CRM, the Web or ERP systems using SData. Watch one gadget change as you scroll through another, and drag and drop your gadgets to create the layout you want.
Interactive Dashboard
Holds the buttons and sub-menus to select and build dashboards and gadgets. You can also Turn Snap On/Off (snap-to-grid for flexible dashboard layout), access help, and return to the Classic Dashboard page from the control bar.
Displays the name and category of the dashboard, and shows if you are working with a dashboard template. You must be an Info Manager or System Administrator to edit and save changes on a template.
Gadgets feed information from multiple data sources, internal and external to CRM, into your workspace. They are also platforms to carry out tasks and actions from, such as logging a new case or progressing a sales opportunity through a workflow.
Displays gadgets. Gadgets can be dragged and dropped, resized and overlapped, columns within gadgets can even be dragged and dropped - all to create the best workspace for your type of job and style of working.
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See Also:
Accessing the Interactive Dashboard
Working with an Assigned Dashboard