Task List Gadget
To add a new task list gadget to the dashboard:
- Select Modify Dashboard | Add New Gadget.
- Select the Task List gadget.
- Add a Name and Description for the gadget.
- Click Finish.
Once the Task List gadget is on your dashboard you can:
- Drill into a task by clicking on the Communication Action icon.
- Add a new quick task. Note: Quick appointments cannot be added on the Company dashboard tab.
- Filter by today, this week, this month, and this year.
- Filter by task status.
- Customize the column layout by dragging and dropping or clicking on the drop-down arrow next to the column heading.
- Link to other task list, list, or record summary gadgets.
Go to Interactive Dashboard home page...
See Also:
Gadget Quick Reference
Calendar Gadget
Linking Gadgets