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Linking Gadgets

Available on List, Task List, Record Summary, SData, and Third-party (added via the Web Site gadget) gadgets. List and Task List gadgets can be linked to each other or to Record Summary gadgets for dynamic filtering. SData gadgets can be linked to each other. Third-party gadgets can be linked to each other, or to List and Record Summary gadgets.

To link gadgets:

  1. Select the dashboard you want to link gadgets on.
  2. Make sure you have at least two gadgets on your dashboard. For example, a list gadget based on a company data source, and a list gadget based on an opportunity data source.
  3. Select the Links icon on any one of the gadgets that you want to link, for example, the company list gadget. The Gadget Linking dialog box is displayed.
  4. Click New Link. The top half of the Link information dialog shows the gadgets you want to link. The gadget where you selected the Links icon from is already selected. For example, the company list.
  5. Set the drop-down to either Sends Data To or Receives Data From. Note: Record Summary gadgets can only "receive data from" other gadgets. For this example, choose Sends Data To.
  6. Select the gadget to link to from the right-hand drop-down. For example, the opportunity list.
  7. In the lower half of the dialog, the left-hand list shows all the fields from the first gadget that you can link. Select, for example, Company (Company ID).
  8. The right-hand list shows the fields from the gadget on the right-hand side of the dialog that you can link, based on the selection already made. Select, for example, Company (Company).

Link information dialog

  1. Click OK. Click Close to exit the Gadget Linking dialog. The opportunities list gadget is filtered as you click through the company list gadget. The gadget header changes to show the current filter. To edit the current links on a gadget,click on the Links icon in the gadget header.

Notes on SData gadget linking

Please refer to the SData example in the section below for more information.

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See Also:

Gadget Quick Reference

List Gadget

Task List Gadget

SData List Gadget

Record Summary Gadget

Editing Gadget Content

Modifying Gadgets

Adding New Data Sources