You are here: Interactive Dashboard > Setting up an Interactive Company Dashboard

Setting up an Interactive Company Dashboard

Sage CRM is delivered with a standard Company Interactive Dashboard template, which is assigned to all users, and can be modified by Info Managers. It works in the same way as the My CRM | Dashboard, but filters gadget content to match the company context. Please refer to What is the Interactive Dashboard? for an overview of the Interactive Dashboard. Company Dashboards are only available from the Dashboard tab within the Company context.

You can create one or more of your own personalized Company Dashboards, and then switch between them to access different levels of company detail.

Once a Company dashboard is selected, the same dashboard is displayed to you in the Dashboard tab of all companies, until you change it.

To set up a new company dashboard:

  1. Make sure you are in the context of a company, and click on the Dashboard tab.
  2. Make sure you are in the Interactive (and not Classic) Dashboard. Switch to the Interactive Dashboard by clicking the Interactive Dashboard hyperlink if you need to.
  3. Select New Dashboard | Create Dashboard and add the gadgets you want. Please refer to Gadget Quick Reference for more information.
  4. Set as your default dashboard by selecting Dashboard Options from the dashboard drop-down.

Changes to the Company Dashboard do not affect the Dashboards available from My CRM | Dashboard. Company Dashboard templates are only available from the Company Dashboard tab.

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See Also:

What is the Interactive Dashboard?

Adding a Gadget Template to a Dashboard