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Working with Dashboard Templates

Dashboard Templates are accessed via Template | Dashboard Templates.

Once in Dashboard Templates with the Properties tab active, you can manage all the template and user dashboards using the following fields, buttons and tabs:

Field or Button Description

Filter by

Searches template or user dashboards and categories using a "Begins with" search.


Displays a list of all template dashboards.


Displays a list of all user dashboards.


Adds a new dashboard template.

Modify Details

Changes the name, description and category of a template or user dashboard. The "No Category" category cannot be modified from the Dashboard interface, however a System Administrator can modify the category name from Administration | Customization | Translations (Caption Family LandingPage, Caption Code BlankCategory). A category containing dashboards cannot be deleted.


Copies a template or user dashboard as a template.


Deletes a template or user dashboard.

Modify Gadgets

Adds, removes, modifies gadgets on a template or user dashboard.

Assigned Users

Assigns users and teams to a template. The Assigned Users tab is active when you select a dashboard template.

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See Also:

Adding a Dashboard Template

Assigning Users to a Dashboard Template

Modifying a Dashboard Template

Deleting a Dashboard Template

Managing User Dashboards

User Requirement: Info Manager Administration Rights