You are here: Managing Documents > Uploading an Image File

Uploading an Image File

If you want to use images when creating your HTML mail merge templates, you must upload those images to the server first.

To insert any uploaded images into an HTML template, type the image name within an HTML IMG tag, for example <img src="logo.png">.

To upload an image when performing a mail merge in the context of a company record:

  1. Click the Find menu button and select Company from the Find drop-down list.
  2. Enter your search criteria and click the Find action button.
  3. Click on the hyperlink of the company to whom you want to send the merged document.
  4. Right-click the New menu button and select the Mail Merge option, or click Start Mail Merge button in the Documents tab. The Select Or Create a New Template page is displayed.
  5. Select the Add Local Template / Image button.
  6. In IE, use the Browse button to navigate to the file.
  7. For other browsers, select the image file(s) you want to add from their current location. The Details panel is displayed, and the File(s) list shows the image file(s) you have attempted to upload. The green check mark and red cross icons indicate whether the files uploaded or not. To upload successfully, the files must comply with the system file size, type, and number of files settings. These settings are defined by your System Administrator. Note: When using Safari, it is possible to add only one file at a time.
  8. Fill in the details of the image file.
  9. Select the Save button. All valid (green check mark in non-IE) image files are saved. When you have saved the image, you can use it when creating a new mail merge template in Sage CRM.

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See Also:

Creating a New Template and Adding Merge Fields

Carrying out a Mail Merge

Uploading a Local Word Document

Uploading a Local Word Document

Tracking Documents in the Documents Tab