You are here: Classic Outlook Integration > Downloading the Outlook Plug-in for Classic Outlook Integration

Downloading the Outlook Plug-in for Classic Outlook Integration

To use the Classic Outlook Integration features of CRM, you need to download the Outlook Plug-in for Classic Outlook Integration from within CRM. Before you do this:

To download the Outlook plug-in for Classic Outlook Integration:

  1. Close Outlook if it is currently open.
  2. From CRM, select the Preferences tab. The Preferences page is displayed.
  3. Select the Install CRM Outlook Integration button. If the Microsoft .NET framework is not already installed on your computer, you are prompted to install it at this point. The .NET framework must be installed for the Outlook plug-in to work.
  4. Once the .NET installation has finished, select the Continue button. The Security Warning dialog box is displayed.
  5. Verify the information in the security prompt, and select the Run button. The CRM Client InstallShield Wizard is displayed.

Note: If the plug-in has already been installed by another user on the current client, the File Download and Security Warning dialog boxes are skipped, and the CRM Client InstallShield Wizard will run automatically to take you through the procedure for installing the Outlook plug-in.

  1. Make sure you are logged off CRM and Internet Explorer and Outlook are closed before continuing with the install.

Note: If you are running Vista and want to connect to CRM using HTTPS, you must select the Custom option during the CRM Outlook Integration install, and then mark the Sage .NET Tools check box.

  1. Complete the InstallShield Wizard steps.
  2. Open Outlook. CRM Classic Outlook Integration features are displayed within Outlook. In CRM, the Install icon changes to a Reinstall icon.

Classic Outlook Integration

See Also:

Accessing Preferences

Using CRM from within Outlook (Classic Outlook Integration)

Adding Contacts: CRM to Outlook (Classic Outlook Integration)

Synchronizing Appointments and Tasks (Classic Outlook Integration)

Reviewing Synchronization Conflicts (Classic Outlook Integration)

Filing E-mails from Outlook to CRM (Classic Outlook Integration)

Reinstalling the Outlook Plug-in for Classic Outlook Integration

Uninstalling the Outlook Plug-in for Classic Outlook Integration