You are here: Writing Reports > Creating a List Report

Creating a List Report

Example: Person List

This example creates a list report, which shows People and their associated contact details.

Report columns should include:

Further specifications include:

To create the report:

  1. Select the Reports button. A list of report categories is displayed.
  2. Select the category in which you want to create and save your report, for example, General.
  3. Select the New action button. The Report Options, Step 1 of 2 page is displayed.
  1. Complete the Report Details panel. When you select the Source View, the page is expanded to show the Select Column panel and a panel showing lists of columns for Content, Searching, Sorting, and Grouping.
  2. Select the columns you want to make up the Report Contents.
  3. If you want any of these columns to make up the Search or Sort criteria, or if the report should be Grouped by any of them, click on the corresponding button. Please refer to Report Fields and Buttons for details on the available buttons.
  1. Select the Add Key Attribute Data button. A new browser window, Add Key Attribute Data, is displayed.
  2. Select the column, field, and entity to report on, then add to either the Report Contents, Search Criteria, or both.
  3. Select the Continue button to return to the Report Options, Step 1 of 2 page.
  4. Select the Continue button to proceed to the next stage. The Search Criteria for Report page is displayed.
  5. If you want the report output to show, for example, only People where you are the Account Manager, you can specify this information on this page.
  1. Select Continue. The Report Options, Step 2 of 2 page is displayed. The page is made up of multiple panels relating to report formatting. Please refer to Report Fields and Buttons for more details.
  2. Complete the information on the panels and select the Save button. The new report is displayed in the list of reports.
  3. To run the report, select the Run button or click on the hyperlink of the report. The Search Criteria page is displayed.
  4. Select your search criteria and click on the Run button to continue, or Save to save the selected search criteria before continuing. The report is displayed in a new browser window, showing the pagination details at the top of the page. The search criteria are displayed at the top of the report output.

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See Also:

Report Fields and Buttons

Adding a Chart to a Report

Creating a Cross Tabular Report

Creating a Historical Report

Creating a New Report Category

Adding a new report style

User Requirement: Info Manager Administration Rights