Adding a Person without a Company Link
You can add a person to the system independent of any company affiliation. This means you can:
- Keep track of a valuable contact as they move in their career.
- Stay in contact with a source of advice or expertise who does not work for any one company.
To add a new person who is not affiliated to a company:
- Make sure you are not in the context of an existing company. If you are, click on the My CRM button. This takes you out of an existing company "folder" with one click.
- Right-click on or hover over the New menu button.
- Select Person from the pop out list. The Person duplicate find page is displayed.
- Type the first few letters of the person's name, and select the Enter Person Details button. The system searches for possible duplicate person names. For more information, please refer to Preventing Duplicate Entries. If no potential duplicate person is found, the New Person page is displayed.
- Leave the For panel blank if you do not want to associate this person with a company. If you do want to link the person to a company, search for the company from the For panel.
- Enter the details in the Person panel.
- Enter the details in the Address panel.
- Enter the details in the Phone and E-mail panel.
- Select the Save button. The Summary page for the new person is displayed.
You can see that there is no link to a company in the context area of the screen. All the tabs relate to the person. You can add notes, addresses, phone, and e-mail information for the person in the same way as you do for a company or for a person within a company.
Go to Adding Customer Information home page...
See Also:
Adding a New Person to an Existing Company
Person Fields
Reassigning a Person to a Company
Merging Duplicate People