You are here: Adding Customer Information > Maintaining Address Links

Maintaining Address Links

To add a new address and update the address links:

  1. Select Find | Company and click on the hyperlink of the company name.
  2. Select the Addresses tab. This displays a list of all company addresses.
  3. Add a new address. The new address is displayed in the Company Addresses tab.
  4. Click on the Address Link icon. The Address Links page for the new address is displayed. The Address Links page shows the selected Address, the Company, and a list of people who work at the company.
  1. Select the Pencil icon next to the list of people to make changes to the existing links between this address and the contact people. The Person Address Links are displayed for editing in a new window.
  2. Select the Address Linked check box next to the people you want to link to this address, and the Default Address check box next to the people, for whom this is the new main address.
  3. Select Save, and then Continue.

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See Also:

Address Fields

Changing Company Details

Changing Company Address Details

Changing Person Details

Assigning a Different Address to a Person

Adding a Private Address to a Person

User Requirement: Non-integration systems only