You are here: Adding Customer Information > Changing Company Address Details

Changing Company Address Details

  1. Open the company you want to make changes to, and click on the Summary tab.
  2. Select the Addresses tab. This displays a list of all company addresses. The Link Status icon shows if the company address you are about to change is linked to existing contacts.
  3. Click on the hyperlink of the address you want to change.
  4. Type the new address. Note that the Set As Default Address For Company check box should remain selected if this address is the new principal address for the company. Leaving this check box selected also means that this is the default address for any new people who are added to the company.
  1. Select the Save button. Note that any people linked to this address are also affected by the change. Click on the Link Status icon to view the linked contacts.

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See Also:

Address Fields

Phone and E-mail Fields

Changing Company Details

Adding a New Address to an Existing Company

Maintaining Address Links