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Merging Duplicate Companies

To merge two companies, first decide which company is the "Source" company and which is the "Destination" company. When the companies are merged the source company is deleted, and the information associated with it—for example, people, communications, opportunities, and cases—is copied over to the "Destination" company. Relationships set up via the Relationships tab are not merged.

Note: Your System Administrator needs to give you Delete rights to use this feature. If you do not have Delete rights and merge two companies, the old company will remain but all of the data will be merged.

To merge two companies:

  1. Find the company that you want to keep and use as the "Destination" company. Usually, this is the company with more information stored against it.
  2. Click on the hyperlink of the company name.
  3. Select the Change button and then the Merge Company button. This displays an additional panel, Merge Company.
  1. Use the Search Select buttons to select the source company.
  2. Select the Save button. The destination Company Summary page is displayed. A review of the tabs shows that people, communications, opportunities, and cases of the source company have been copied across to the merged company. In addition, the source company is deleted.

Note: The source company’s addresses get transferred to the destination company’s Addresses tab. The source company’s contact people also retain their original address links. These can be updated once the merge has been completed using the Address Links feature. Please refer to Maintaining Address Links for more information.

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See Also:

Preventing Duplicate Entries

Merging Duplicate People